Battle of Woodbury Common

A worryingly straightforward event, but brilliant event (by Sportiva Events) to time this weekend. Was a bit concerned as the new EU22 (higher power) impinj speedway R420 was switching antenna significantly slower than I expected. However, needn't have worried, when used correctly.

The setup consisted of two 4 port impinj readers, one EU21 spec (2W), one EU22 spec (4W). Each was running three antennas. The EU21 with is faster antenna switching was driving three linear mat antennas, the EU22 with is greater power was driving three side, circular polarized antennas. We were much more careful in the setup, leaving a good gap between the mats and the side antennas, which proved to be wise as we no issues with the side antennas interfering with the mats as I had on a previous race.

Between them, we didn't miss a runner (there was over 200). However, which reader read what was quite different for adults and children. See below for the results. I am guessing the height difference between children and adults (maybe posture difference too) accounted for it. Potentially children running between the mat antennas not being picked up as the beam had not spread sufficiently?


PositionCount% of Scans
Mat Centre2716.56%
Mat Left137.98%
Mat Right106.13%
High Right Side5835.58%
Left Side4930.06%
Low Right Side63.68%


PositionCount% of Scans
Mat Centre8149.69%
Mat Left2817.18%
Mat Right4628.22%
High Right Side42.45%
Left Side21.23%
Low Right Side21.23%
